Statement on the Disruption of the March 9, 2019 Gubernatorial & State House of Assembly Elections in Rivers State

PortHarcourt Shapers
2 min readMar 12, 2019


The Port Harcourt Hub of the Global Shapers Community shares in the grave disappointment felt by Nigerians especially residents of Rivers State, due to the reported incidents of disruption witnessed at the 2019 State Elections in Rivers State.

Port Harcourt Global Shapers understand that it is our duty as young leaders to be unwavering in our will to stand for a nation of truth and excellence. Thus, we hereby request that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) closely reviews the reported incidents which led to the suspension of electoral processes in the State, in order to make informed decisions regarding the future of the exercise.

We implore all residents of Port Harcourt, Rivers State especially the youths to keep hope alive for our State and country, Nigeria. We must continue to trust and support INEC in faithfully dispatching its duties even at this critical time.

We condemn the use of thugs and other accomplices in the snatching of ballot boxes and intimidation of voters that were reported in Rivers State during the March 9, 2019 elections. We call on the good people of Rivers State to eschew/shun violence; and encourage all candidates and members of the respective political parties to uphold the Rule of Law and embrace the true spirit of sportsmanship regardless of the outcome of the elections.

The Port Harcourt Hub remains committed to ensuring that the voice of young people in Rivers State, who make up about 60% of our population is heard.

The Global Shapers Community is committed to fostering a world where young people are central to solution building, policy-making and lasting change.

This is what the Global Shapers in Port Harcourt, Nigeria stand for and champion in our local community.

We thank Rivers State residents and all who have best wishes for the State, for their continued dedication to ensuring the unity of Rivers State.

God bless Rivers State. God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


Port Harcourt Hub, Global Shapers Community

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PortHarcourt Shapers

Committed to Improving the state of the world, starting from Port Harcourt. Part of the World Economic Forum's @Globalshapers Community